Archives for category: History

I fell in love with my home town again
Please read this poem from
London based artist Paul

If you desire a more in depth analysis of your postural alignment please don’t hesitate to contact me as I will do my best to accommodate you on my reformer piece of equipment.

One to one classes at mine are at a very reasonable price.

Please contact me on 07769354468 to book your free postural analysis.
Happy new year
Rosemarie Maio
Pilates on the reformer Balanced Body level 2 instructor


Joe Pilates looking good at 82, genius, inventor of the Contrology method, stronghold for many coming out of injuries, trying to re strengthen the body by releasing the fear of the pain sending oxygen where it hurts and stretching exercises used as a body mind meditation type to warm muscles and ligaments up, letting the oxygenated blood flow where it most hurts !!! It WORKS