Archives for category: thoracic breathing

If you desire a more in depth analysis of your postural alignment please don’t hesitate to contact me as I will do my best to accommodate you on my reformer piece of equipment.

One to one classes at mine are at a very reasonable price.

Please contact me on 07769354468 to book your free postural analysis.
Happy new year
Rosemarie Maio
Pilates on the reformer Balanced Body level 2 instructor


Engage your core muscles, the TA transversus abdominis the deepest layer of muscle in the abdominal wall, with horizontal fibres forming a corset around the trunk. The TA muscle attaches from the linea alba to the inguinal ligament, the pelvis by the iliac crest and the cartilage of the lower ribs.
Perform a lateral breathing and inhale through the nose exhale through the mouth while pulling the abdominal wall inward.
Of course the powerhouse is much more than the TA, the internal obliques and quadratus lumborum form the side of the corset, the multifidus and the thoracolumbar fascia are located at the posterior if the corset. Also let’s not forget the diaphragm, the main breathing muscle at the top of the powerhouse corset and the pelvic floor muscles are at the inferior part of it.
You will have to strengthen those muscles to keep the spine in correct alignment avoiding risk of injuries for example when lifting heavy objects.
During the teaser exercise the core muscles are engaged and lateral breathing in through the nose is employed to hold the position with legs off the floor. Think about scooping your belly in even further when exhaling through the mouth.
The multifidus at the back will work as a stabiliser of the spine to avoid injuries. And of course relax those shoulders down!

Nothing is more rewarding than having a group of participants coming to me at the end if the class with idling happy faces, recognising the benefit if the class straightaway. Today at the Eltham centre the comments were : “when are you teaching next !? It’s the first time I manage to keep my balance on one leg thanks to your input on finding a point in front of me…. ” or this class is very good different from the usual boring Pilates classes, you always vary the routine!! And it’s so good to redline that my message goes across in the participants bodies and minds 😉