Just a short demonstration of the hundred exercise and the importance to start with the correct body alignment. Neck strain can derive from a not correct alignment of the spine coming to an off neutral position from a neutral one.

So this Sunday clear and wet ‘octobrine’ morning while I was fasting my pace as running slightly late for my balanced body Pilates on the reformer level 2, along the river Thames, I came to a turning past borough market where a stunning tall ship shines in all her glory. I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop pant pant, running, biting the minutes under my feet when I barely saw and heard a man standing by shouting out loud ‘this Tall ship’s name is ‘The Golden Mile’ !!!
Ha! what a revelation and what a prophet …. I love my Pilates training on the equipment so I ran even faster to get on the reformer just on time and well warmed up! 😉


The Tall Ships festival is here in Greenwich until tomorrow. I had the luck to meet Nora the captain of ‘the eye of the wind’ that once was named Rose Marie. Talking to her I had a clear message of someone strong – minded and brave with no fear and happy to show others the luck, the way to sail blue seas seeing at the world from a different sea angle.
While climbing on the ropes of the sail ship and immortalising the sails in digital pictures, my attention got caught by a handsome little pirate with tattoos and long dark hair! He said hello and started telling me about his life adventures in a few minutes frame under the glorious sun rays reflections in the Thames. Multiple mirrors all around us, our eyes vitreous and transparent just like the blue water allowed the energy to flow in and out our souls….
To leave is easy, just go, don’t root yourself, follow the river into the wide blue sea.
Nora the captain recruited a young wise guy, a new member of the crew. The flow has to live amongst the members of the crew to allow the team to work alongside each other in synchronic ways, letting the inner ear open to the winds to raise up the right sails to travel the world!
Be strong with Pilates flow, strengthen your core to stand up strong against storms and hurricanes !
Be alive!


Do you really want to know the secret of longevity !?
Joseph H Pilates did say that a healthy spine is key to longevity.
So do add up your spine mobility flexion, extension and rotation flowing movements to your daily Pilates workout and you will forget your age!
Pilates on the ball is on at Charlton Lido every Thursday 8pm don’t delay your health can’t wait !




http://youtu.be/WsbjNNupmXYPilates with Rosy in Sapri

Relax and Pilates by the beautiful sea side in Sapri Italy xxx





In these years of intense teaching of the Pilates method I have more and more realised the importance of communication, easy, clear communication that can quickly reach the mind of humans. Tools such as touch, visual signs and demonstrations, changing the tone and rhythm of the voice are also essential to create a good two-ways rapport with the participants. Singing in rhythm? yes, why not ? Creating an oasis of sound expectations within our bodies and minds to master the technique of Pilates!



I am the second on the left with check top 😉 quite proven after intense reformer training

Mobility PILATES

I am proudly announcing that I am now a Balanced Body Reformer Level 1 instructor 😉 The training at Tranquility has been really empowering and opening up my eyes to new horizons!
My favourite exercise is the mermaid on the reformer. I introduced it today in its full version to my students and we all appreciated the great discovery of one lung breathing while allowing the body to surrender to the figures changing keeping an active core to hold the position in a beautiful upper body extension, lateral flexion and rotation.


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