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What has life, dance, life, dance taught me is don’t let them ever pull you down! Be a fighter, be authentic in what you do, don’t worry about what other people say or think! You are unique and different, you bring within yourself the light, the strength, the drive find the right pull to drive you high without the need to wait for others or a God to support your talent!
You are god yourself just make your talent come out and shine.
Be active, believe in your capabilities, move forward and don’t look back.
Surround yourself with positive thinkers or crazy artists to live life lightly without unnecessary worries!
The rest will flow, follow the crumbs to success!


Loads of health pilates and travelling


I fell in love with my home town again
Please read this poem from
London based artist Paul

Glorious places, natives and sensitive artist Sean Worrall

Sean Worrall

East London... East London…

I paint like I do now because I live in the squalor and mess (and excitement? Sometimes it is) of Hackney. I love the colours, the textures and the shapes I find here, I react to them, I find beauty in the squalor that’s alive. I don’t live in a neat and tidy place, it isn’t pretty here in East London, when you ask me why my art isn’t neat and tiny then my reaction is to say I don’t live in a neat and tiny part of the world.  I’d like to think my art and the marks I make always reflect where I am making the art.   When I was young I lived by the sea, I grew up by the sea, at this time of year, the empty beaches and the wind and the rain could sometimes feel rather glorious, it was thrilling to stand…

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Amnesia : forgetting the misses in the human system of reasoning, the certainty of the strong smell of vinyl glue in burning nostrils can evoke some undefined missing memories, the erosion of the surplus, like stepping on a crumbling surface, the illusion to be still fast and containing it all as the lightening…

Prometheus Unbound

I’ve recently been struck by the similarity between Charles Sanders Pierce’s notion of abduction (reasoning to the best hypothesis; “may the best hypothesis win”), Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution (survival of the fittest; “may the best organism win”), entropy (what time turns to shit; “may the most probable arrangement win”), Bayes’ Rule (what’s probable; “may the most probable theory win”); and Richard Rorty’s pragmatism (in this contingent moment, what’s useful; “may the best tool win”).

When reasoning, we often ignore abduction, evolution, entropy, probability, and contingency. Instead, we tend to practice confirmation bias. We look at the hits in favor of our beliefs, and ignore the misses. We imagine that our way of thinking is best, and ought to be universal, without really considering the competing alternatives or the history that brought us to our conclusions in the first place. We don’t think in terms of probabilities, but certainties, and…

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Do you really want to know the secret of longevity !?
Joseph H Pilates did say that a healthy spine is key to longevity.
So do add up your spine mobility flexion, extension and rotation flowing movements to your daily Pilates workout and you will forget your age!
Pilates on the ball is on at Charlton Lido every Thursday 8pm don’t delay your health can’t wait !

IMG_0747.JPG with Rosy in Sapri

I am the second on the left with check top 😉 quite proven after intense reformer training

Mobility PILATES

I am proudly announcing that I am now a Balanced Body Reformer Level 1 instructor 😉 The training at Tranquility has been really empowering and opening up my eyes to new horizons!
My favourite exercise is the mermaid on the reformer. I introduced it today in its full version to my students and we all appreciated the great discovery of one lung breathing while allowing the body to surrender to the figures changing keeping an active core to hold the position in a beautiful upper body extension, lateral flexion and rotation.


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